Thursday, October 8, 2009

Life Rears It's Ugly Head

Today marks one of those real-life situations that you think it will never happen to you and it does.

Today marks the day that I had my 2009 Kawasaki ZX-6r stolen from under my nose, along with my roommate Lerry's bike which was parked safely next to it. It was still there last night after coming back from dinner at Maggiano's yesterday with Ariana, but when I went downstairs today at 1:30pm today to get to my class that little green speck that I always see when I walk toward my parking spot was missing.

I remember my mouth saying "fuck it's gone" and walking quicker toward the crime scene to check up on my roommate's bike to see if it was gone too. Lerry had a 3-4 inch thick chain plus a GPS global tracker system on his bike and behold, there was nothing left but the chain and locks.

Hm... I don't feel like I could write about this for now, so I'm just going to put it to the side.

Back 10/21/09:

I have realized that not only is this a major convenience to my daily schedule since having a motorcycle makes getting to class considerably easier and work considerably faster, I have learned to adapt to extreme conditions.

I've always said to myself that this wouldn't happen to me, but boy was I wrong. My ignorance has shown me how ugly life can really get, but why sob my eyes out on a lost possession? The only thing is I can move on. I can't say that I was not saddened by this event, but I was goaded by my new found hatred of the apartment where I live at in fighting for a better and safer security system for the entire community.

You can't let things like this bog you down, the best thing you can do is make the best of it and move on. Life is already floating on and you should float with it.

In the meanwhile... I got this on my sights:

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