Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Urge to Break the Monotony

Simply put, life is getting to monotonous for me.

Even after getting my bike stolen, doing bad on a midterm, and adjusting to a much quieter life post-SPOP, I'm beginning to notice that my life has been severely stricken with monotony. I would wake up, go to class, end around noon, fight the through the war-zone known as Anteater Parking Structure, rush off to work, stay there and dilly dally with tedious tasks, leave around 6:30, go home and that's that.

On the weekends I would go home and hang out with the parentals and friends back at home. Then the following Sunday I would rush back to Irvine to prepare for another week.

I'm waiting for something amazing to happen, be it a girl that will steal my heart, traveling to a foreign land, going on a spontaneous adventure, anything.

I just need something to give my life some spark again.

Things like:
  • Riding a motorcycle for the first time
  • Kissing a girl for the first time
  • Staffing with some amazing people over the summer through the Student Orientation Program at UCI
  • Traveling abroad to Europe for the first time
I have realized that I crave things that are foreign to me, something that can be wondering the streets of a foreign country listening to conversations that you can't understand or from simple things such as cruising down the open road into the unknown.

I'm waiting life, give me something new and amazing to experience.

1 comment:

  1. You don't wait for life. Life waits for you. Take whatever it is you're waiting for, stand up, and take a step toward it.
